"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."  John 8:7

Imagine the profound transformation that occurs when Jesus utters these words to the crowd. The stones, once held tightly in their hands, are dropped. They walk away, their hearts and minds enlightened. This story is not just about them; it's about us. It's about the potential for personal transformation when we let go of judgment and embrace empathy and forgiveness.

First, they see their nature.  When we are busy looking at what others do, we forget to look at ourselves.  Jesus says, "You hypocrite, get the log out of your own eye before getting the speck out of your brother's." Matthew 7:5.  Those who were about to stone this woman for what she had done forgot to look closely at what they had done!  We are people who have become good at condemning others before correcting ourselves.  This is human nature.  Jesus makes us look at ourselves.  He makes us look at what we are.  We are sinners, and we need a Savior.  

Second, they see this woman.  What I mean by that is they see her not as something less than them but as someone like them.  They were very eager to kill her, but now she is a human being.  Now, she is worth something.  It would be incredible if we all saw others in this light.  How different would the world be if we recognized the inherent worth of human beings no matter the differences of belief, race, or creed?  How different would the world be if we stopped picking up stones to crush others but extended our hands to help lift them up?

Today, let's remember that we are all on this journey together.  We are all sinners in need of a Savior.  Let us, therefore, extend tolerance, patience, and mercy to all we encounter.  Let us be the ones to teach the power of forgiveness and show others the transformative love of Jesus.  In doing so, we make a choice that can change lives and shape a more compassionate world.

Love you all,
Rev. Jim

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