What do you do when life hits you hard?  What do you do when there is no place you feel safe?  What do you do when you feel like no one will listen?  What do you do when you are on your last leg?  Most of us don't know what to do when these things happen.  Some of us panic and go into denial.  Some try to run and hide.  However, as Christians, we are told to PRAY!  

Jesus knew how to do this well.  He took time to pray.  He made time, and no excuses were allowed.  Prayer is not just a mental exercise or release of energy into the universe.  It is a conversation with God and only God.  This is how God invites us to speak to the Divine and how God opens the doors to heaven while still on this earth.  Prayer becomes a special place that creates a holy communion between God and you.  Amazingly, we don't find time to enjoy it.  I compare it to a present we leave under the Christmas tree.  It's an unopened present that is just sitting there.  Months pass, and we walk by it.  We look.  But inside is a relationship ready to be enjoyed.  FOR GOODNESS SAKES… LET'S OPEN IT NOW!!!

Every day, God invites us to talk to Him.  Will you take the time?  Will you come and kneel?  Will you make yourself vulnerable to the Holy Spirit and listen?  

He continues to whisper to our hearts.  Starting today, let's start talking back!

God loves you.  Always has!
Rev. Jim

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