So, how will you be a better person? Well, it starts with how you communicate. How do you communicate when you are hurt or need someone to tell you something that is not easy to hear? This is what Paul says to do.

Ephesians 4:29 – “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what helps build others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

We are such emotional beings.  We certainly aren’t logical.  If that were the case, we would all be like Spock on Star Trek.  He could never feel deeply because it was illogical.  No, that is not the way we operate.  We feel things first, and then we process them with our minds.  That is why hearing hurtful things always makes us sad; we react emotionally instead of logically when we listen to them.  

So try to remember a couple of things.  
  1. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR MOTIVES.  What we say to each other needs to build each other up instead of tearing each other down.  If your motive is to hurt someone, you will certainly not care about how they receive your news.  However, if your motive is to BUILD THE PERSON UP, then reshape what you will say so that the other person can process the information more positively.  Communicating effectively aims to bring people together instead of casting them further apart.  
  2. MAKE IT A TEACHING MOMENT!  When communicating lousy news or critical news, we must form our words to help the hearer grow.  Jesus is always teaching and creating a way for people to hear the Good News.  This is our job as well.  If someone is struggling, find a way to help that person become more productive.  People spend a lot of their time wanting others to fail.  They watch and wait for people to slip up or make mistakes, then bring out the guillotine.  Instead of that, let’s help one another.  When we do, the Body becomes more powerful and dynamic.

Today might be the day you need to remind someone of something they have messed up. You have been there before. Think back on how it was told to you. Did it lift you, teach you to be better, or just leave you feeling hurt and worthless?  

Remember, communication is the cornerstone of our community.  Before you speak, consider your intentions and aim to make it a teaching moment.  When we communicate effectively, we draw closer to each other and our God in heaven, who guides us in love and understanding.

Love you all,
Rev. Jim

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