Through the journey in Lent we draw closer to our Lord in so many ways. Many of these involve giving up worldly trappings and replacing them with spiritual disciplines. The reward is amazing!
Fasting helps us move past our physical hunger into the reliance on God's presence. "Man does not live on bread alone!" Jesus knew that God's presence is the only thing that satisfies.
Practicing prayer is so important. Many times we bypass prayer, and God's input, and we go directly to our will. Prayer allows a moment to invite God into every situation. Make it a habit and watch what can happen
A lot of our week is spent doing something for us. What if we focused on how we can do for others? What would our lives look like. Jesus said, "I came to serve not be served." Giving changes our heart, mind and soul and always allows us to be used by God!
You will never have a deeper and closer relationship with God than when you admit your sin and ask for forgiveness. Only God has the power to forgive, and does so in love and grace. Search your heart and open it up to God. When you do God is there to change your life forever!